From Control to Flow
We can spend our days trying to control all aspects of our life or we can face the unknown and live with flow, inspiration and adventure. Here I explain how to speed up the transition between the two.
Schools on earth today, even the softer ones like Waldorf and Montessori, teach us to push away our spirit when we do ‘important’ tasks. They give us the ability to shut down our soul to be able to focus on things we need to do for survival in this world and that can be a good thing to know but the problem is that most of us get stuck in this mode for a long time.
We learn to operate this world not with our spirit but with our mind. Spirit is something we are allowed to experience on Sundays in church or if we are lucky during our morning meditations before we step into our mind personalities and do what we think we should do to get food on the table and fit into society.
One of the problems with this system is that the mind can not see the reality like it really is, it only operates from instructions it got from the environment during the indoctrination. The spirit, our intuition, are able to understand this reality like it really is but we learned to push away those insights as fantasy, imagination or hallucinations.
When my rational mind understood that I should let my spirit flow through me and let go of the control patterns I began the journey of recovery. I then noticed how many layers of protection from my spirit that I had created to be able to live a life with my mind. The control of the mind reached deep into every aspect of my life.
Our natural state, what some call enlightenment, is when all areas of life work without us acting to control it. Whatever we need comes to us effortlessly so there is no need for us to use force. Our actions are in a flow state so we feel in sync with creation and enjoy what we do. When my rational mind understood this I started rearranging my life to make this my reality as soon as possible.
The control patterns
Whatever programs we have that state a lack in any area of life results in a whole stack of behavior patterns trying to use force to fill that need. When we are not aware of the original program causing these imaginary needs we think we need to use these patterns to become fulfilled.
For example, if we have and identify with a program stating that ‘I do not have enough money’ then that is how we see the world and we will create behaviors, skills and mindsets to earn more money. We will keep using, adapting and improving our patterns for earning money as long as we believe in the underlying program. Similar to how an anorexic sees themselves as fat in a mirror, a rich person who identifies with this money program of lack will feel poor no matter how much they accumulate.
Another example from my life is friendships. I had a deep program stating that I was not good enough the way I was so I felt I had to create strategies to become a better friend, more interesting, more generous, less selfish and so on. To make things more complicated I had another strong program saying ‘I must be true to myself and honest’ which set me up for a life full of contradictions and confusion. The strategies I created to fulfil the first program directly triggered the second program which created strategies that sabotaged the first program and so on.
The collection of all of these strategies we create to fulfil our imaginary needs is what mainstream society calls our personality and it is our self image - what we see ourselves do.
The flow state
When we dissolve the original programs and the strategies used to fulfil them we become centered and we are able to let spirit guide our life. The neutrality to outcomes and sense of timelessness gives us the space to be able to experience the guidance showing the way towards the most optimal people, environments and situations for us.
Whatever choices we make and whatever situations we encounter we will always learn and strengthen so it is not a matter of choosing the ‘correct’ path at all times but spirit do highlight directions for us to navigate through life in the most effective way.
In meditation, we are able to neutrally observe our energy body and the path to the most effective self healing is highlighted for us. In the external reality, if we do not rush to make a decision with our rational mind, the optimal path will have a natural pull to it and the flow state takes us there without the interference of rational thinking.
When we let things flow we are drawn to the people, sports, arts, events, careers, places, food and so on that will help us become the best possible version of ourselves. Our spirit guidance is like a GPS set to guide us towards our most optimal life with abundance in all areas in the most effective way.
The transition
Most people reading this article have probably experienced the flow state and are able to see the limitations of the control patterns. Maybe some of you are 80% control and 20% flow at this point while others are 20% control and 80% flow. An indicator of how far we are in the process is to measure how often we blame external reasons for what happens in our life as we move from ‘reality is happening TO me’ to ‘reality is happening FOR me’.
When we do things because of our need to control our environment it is like we ‘let down’ our spirit because we do not trust it enough to lead us forward. We sacrifice our spirit because of our fear that our old programs are correct. When we do this we cut off from the life force and let our mind lead. Since our spirit has ‘left the building’ we often get exhausted and tired while when we let our spirit guide us we feel fulfilled and energized.
While we are in a mode of control the default way to deal with difficult emotions is to move away from them and distract ourselves. In the transition phase we learn to let difficult emotions come to the surface and observe how they influence us. The next step is to proactively go deep inside ourselves and face any past and current difficulties with courage.
Shifting from a control based life to a flow based life is a natural progression when we regain our common sense and clarity. We will continue to use control in whatever area we are weak in until it does not make sense anymore and then we let go of it and start flowing.Â
Speed things up
If you have understood the implications of the information in this article and your rational mind has grasped that it is no other way than inwards then you might want to speed things up. Funnily enough we can use our rational mind to create a path for ourselves that will make the transition quicker. Here are 6 concrete advices:
Old patterns of distraction and avoidance can be upgraded to speed up the process. For example if you are drawn to eating something unhealthy to comfort yourself you can change that habit by eating something that makes you healthy instead. Sort of using negative patterns to improve ourselves until the root cause of those behaviors are resolved inside and fades away from our life completely.Â
We can use our senses to circumvent the mind and distance ourselves from its constant past and future focus. When we move our attention into our senses we enter the present moment. We feel the wind, the temperature, we hear the sounds that are vibrating in the air at this very moment, we smell the clouds of scents passing by our nose and we can taste whatever substances that are in our mouth.
Every song, book, person, tree, house, artwork and so on is emanating a vibration / frequency that will influence us. We can practice to sense these frequencies directly or simply observe our mood when we are around certain people, watch certain films, listen to certain types of music and so on to navigate which vibrations we want more of and which we want less of.
Awareness of our body in the external environment is another area that is often overlooked. Becoming intimately aware of our skin, the border to our body, and where it is in the room is helping us to hold our space. When other energy bodies are not able to stretch in and manipulate us we can more easily stay centered and be aware of our inner guidance. We also learn to respect others' space and stop trying to interfere with them, we become more neutral.
Follow our inner guidance as much as possible and listen to the body. Practice to be aware of the inner GPS system. Give time to let the body to move like it wants to rather than forcing it to behave like the local current trends to fit in. Being spontaneous and following random ideas that come up is good, even if it is not pure inner guidance it helps us break old patterns and live with more joy and adventure.Â
One of the best ways to speed up our transition is to find groups of people who are as dedicated to the transition as we are. It gives us courage and assistance in breaking old patterns and embracing our deeper truer expressions. Good examples of groups like this are the Momentum Meditations and the Men’s group for self actualizing Bitcoiners. :)
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You can find more by Sama Katharo here: