The End of Fiat Consciousness
Fiat money is an extension of a fiat consciousness where external appearances are valued more than intrinsic qualities. To implement sound money on this planet we need to change the consciousness.
When I look up the word ‘fiat’ in the Oxford dictionary it says: “a formal authorization or proposition; a decree.” In looking further for a definition of ‘decree’, I find the following in Marriam Webster's dictionary: ”an order usually having the force of law”. Therefore, ’fiat’ can perhaps be summarized in one word, and that is ‘control’. Control in the external world always leads to manipulation and lies.
I see freedom, truth, and decentralization as the opposite of control. Structures of control cannot work in harmony with freedom because it is flowing, it is unbound. Something which is unbound cannot be controlled.
If we look throughout our history, we can see a constant battle between freedom and control. Humans over and over again have tried different combinations of the two to create harmony without success. The extremes of total control have been tried many times with terrible results, but have we ever tried extreme freedom?
A consciousness level is like a radio channel; a frequency that humans connect to consciously or unconsciously by our actions, the information we consume, and who we spend time with. These channels influence how we think, feel, and act. One example from Sci-fi is the personalities of the Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons in ‘Brave New World’ by Aldous Huxley. In the book, they were purposely conditioned to belong to a specific ‘channel’, each with accompanying behaviors, worldview, and lifestyle. The same thing is happening in our society today. We can witness its results as people flock to certain ideas and the associated narratives within each ‘channel’. They appear to blindly stand up for an entire group of beliefs, some of which even seem to contradict. For example, the ‘my body my choice’ contradiction that has been obvious the last year between vaccines and abortion.
Fiat Consciousness versus Truth Consciousness
The ‘fiat consciousness’ and the ‘old consciousness’ are labels for a wide range of ‘channels’ that are based in control. When one person controls another, they are doing so by instilling some type of fear within them. This could be the fear that they will not be loved or accepted, or even that physical harm might befall them. This means that when we operate from a fiat consciousness we are taking actions based in fear. We see the external world as scary, and therefore also feel the need to use control so that we may effectively function in society and survive. Going even further, we then also fear freedom, truth, transparency, and decentralization (individual empowerment), because those elements are destructive to control and its subsequent paradigms.
The ”new consciousness” or ”truth consciousness” are labels for a different range of ‘channels’ that are available for us to connect to. When we operate from these levels we are not afraid to see things how they really are. We are not afraid to think for ourselves and try our own ideas. Instead we see how fear brings-out and amplifies the negative sides in us and makes our bodies tense. When we let go of the fear we start to see new possibilities, we take care of ourselves, nature, and other people; it is a natural flow.
For extreme freedom to work, most people on earth would need to change from a fiat consciousness to a truth consciousness. Similar to orange pilling, it works as a grassroots movement; it can not be forced upon anyone because then it would be based in a similar fiat (control) consciousness. It starts with each individual beginning to take responsibility for their own actions step by step, and letting fear rule their life a bit less each day. When we start to act from our hearts rather than our minds, we start looking inwards and improving the connection with our souls.
As long as we are in the fiat consciousness, we are trapped inside our own subjective illusions. Similar to cache memory in computers, our rational mind creates models of the world and ourselves. Rather than taking in all information from all senses all the time we use our models of reference to navigate reality. This is all good but the problem is when these models are created from traumatic experiences. The pain from the experience is stored together with the model and we do not want to experience that pain again so we are stuck with very many models made by accident and are forced to see the world through these filters until we start taking responsibility and clean them up.
The external reality do not define us, but refine us
In the fiat consciousness we identify with externalities: what we own, the people we know, what we have achieved, and our wealth. As a part of our own identity, we also judge others by similar things: which neighbourhood they live in, what clothes they wear, and what car they drive. We work in the external world to achieve our limited goals - those based on these identities and their insecurities - and are rarely attentive to our inner state unless we get sick.
In this consciousness of control, manipulation and lies, we build up personalities of who we think we are or who we think we want to be. We adjust and shape ourselves into a person who can achieve our limited goals. We are nice to the people who we consider important in our life and to our identities. We avoid the truth, what is, and work to create and maintain illusions – we create our own matrix that we live in.
In the new consciousness, we cannot identify with anything in the external reality because everything must flow to us without control. As the external reality is a reflection of our inner state, we work from within to create the lifestyle we want to experience - without being attached to specific outcomes. We measure success by integrity, kindness and intentions.
In this consciousness we realize that the external reality is a playground that helps us understand our old patterns, allowing us to see them and move beyond them into our true self. When we let go of the grip of our manufactured personalities and step into who we really are, it's like panning for gold - both the mud and the gold needs to come up in order for the purification process to happen.
When actions are taken in order to ”satisfy” something on the inside, they create and feed this manufactured self image that some call the ego. If we keep the lid on and only act out rehearsed, fixed behaviors we will never be able to figure out who we really are; our ego will continue to grow.
On the other hand, when actions are taken from the inside they continually help us in refining our essence from old patterns that are not true. A well-intentioned, spontaneous, and playful approach to life and other people opens one up for healing, truth, and transparency.
Good Intentions
In my early twenties when I traveled around India with my friends in search of truth and adventure. I was bothered by misunderstandings and conflicts with people. Every time we took the time to look deeper at the reasons we had conflicts, it always came down to triggers, filters of perception, and projections.
This is when I came up with the phrase ‘I mean well’, and started to use it as an underpinning to all conversations. This was a method of confirming to that person that whatever happened along the way in terms of triggers and projections would not be the real me, but distortions – whether it was within me or the other person but often a combination - and not something we should put value on. The result was that the value in the conversation was given to the intention behind the communication.
From another perspective, we can say that I moved my identification from the conceptual realm (my self image and worldview) to the intuitive realm (knowing that we are unconditional love). This helped my friends and I to start seeing through the layers of distortions from our childhood and beyond.
The way I write this, the words and concepts I use – these things will trigger different filters in each person depending on their past experiences and current identifications. As long as the rational mind is the only mechanism being used to analyze the content here, it will create a unique interpretation of what I am trying to say. Through the intuitive mind, one might be able to pick up the ‘channel’ from which I am broadcasting this message and sense my intentions.
The truth layers
I have found three layers of truth and all else seems to be just subjective interpretations - projections. First, the base layer of creation, outside time and space, is in a constant whirl of change but it is always true. Second, nature and the physical reality ”is what it is” in a slower, but constant, state of change and we can experience the truth of it with our senses. Third, Satoshi created a foolproof digital protocol that keeps itself honest and true no matter what comes at it at this point. This is because it is ultimately anchored to the first layer through truths like physics, mathematics, and biology manifested in nature, and nature creates truths like energy and electrical currents which anchor the Bitcoin protocol.
The physical body is bound to the laws of nature, so it needs sleep, exercise/work, minerals, vitamins, liquid, and so on in order to function optimally. The energy body is bound to the laws of creation, and when our actions are guided by our soul we stay in alignment with all that is. Today, we have the ability to store the energy of our effort and abilities in the economic truth layer Bitcoin, a layer which allows us to exchange value for value with other people. We have a base-layer-anchored tool which can allow us to live in this external reality completely sovereign and aligned with truth!
Internal control versus External control
To experience freedom and sovereignty we need to use inner control in the form of discipline and impeccability to stay centered and in alignment with the truth layers. Without inner strength and control we will lose momentum and fall into the fiat consciousness where we instead try to control people and events in the external world - from weakness.
As long as we stay close to the truth layers, we are in tune with the objective reality and we are flexible enough to move through life without bigger disruptions. If we start acting on our own subjective projections – straying away from the truth layers – the natural laws will step in and force us to realign.
Today’s mainstream society is far removed from these layers and deeply immersed in subjective projections. The state of the world is easily recognised as chaotic and misaligned as a result. Some people seem to be trying hard to keep the whole planet in the fiat consciousness, while others, myself included, are working tirelessly, guided from within, to inform as many as possible about its negative consequences. The further we move away from the truth layers, the greater the tension grows like a rubber band. The question is: will it snap back, or will it break when it reaches its maximum tension?
How to fix the world
As we are still steeped in fiat consciousness on this planet, it is easy to project the blame for our situation outwards. Central bankers, VC’s, presidents, shitcoiners, CEOs, and so on can easily become targets for our fear, anger and frustration but the whole ‘us against them’ concept is part of the fiat consciousness that we all have inside of us to various degrees. As long as we act on our projections we enforce the fiat consciousness within ourselves.
If we really need an enemy then I have described in this article why the fiat consciousness is what we need to get rid of. The most effective way to do that is to start with ourselves. Ask yourself, where is the fiat consciousness still present in my life, in which areas do I not yet invite truth and transparency? What am I trying to control in the external world and why do I have that need? At your own pace, begin to take responsibility in one area after the other, and you will begin to move yourself - and humanity - towards truth consciousness.
As you do this you will rediscover who you truly are, an authentic real personality aligned with truth and freedom will emerge as you drop the roles you have played and you can just be yourself. You will be able to do what you truly love the most without fear and contribute to society in your unique way by just being yourself.
Bitcoin was created from the truth consciousness and it fosters truth by existing here on earth. Shitcoins are created from the fiat consciousness but the tricky bit is to get rid of them without using and increasing fiat consciousness in the process.
We all grew up in the fiat consciousness but it is not possible to continue behaving like before AND have a bitcoin standard on this planet. We must become truth and act in truth for it to be able to spread around the world. The money we use is a reflection of who we are as a species. Bitcoin is doing its job to spread truth in the world and the question is if we will do the same or if we will hold on to fear and control behaviours like we have done in the past. It is time for change, don’t fight it, flow with it.
Thanks to Caleb and Boomer for editing and feedback.
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